Saturday, March 13, 2010

Shoes Michael Antonio Quipid


I'm on my chapter 5 so I decided to post my impressions.
Although I guess most people have played and ... I do not like

qualify with numbers because I think it is useless, so I'll do with words and no spoilers about the story.

The scenes are incredible, and well, there is always some difference in quality between normal and those that are "special" call them in some way, yet we see that no pixels are left are very square and making it feel "more real."
faces in many scenes are super-realistic!

Regarding the battle system, I thought I would type FFXII by the pictures but there is more style shifts.
Although I like most real-time I tell you not to notice much difference because the battles are very fast and if you have to change roles do not have time to get bored.
But I would like the Eidolon will last longer ...

Well, in chapter 5 remains linear but, in my opinion, it gives you the feeling.
For as the story goes you can not go no further and to explore the world on your own, as there would sense because you are being followed.
history when I stopped being linear is when I touched him, period, if you have to be linear it is until you touched it to me in that case I think that's bad ...

Hope is experienced with in Chapter 4 and makes me laugh XD
can just walk and you can send enemies flying with his fists or simply pass over them.

I can not say much yet but it is easy to understand and engage.
crystarium system seemed like a good thing from the beginning, because at the end is boring if you only fight to level up. Although sometimes you have like 200 points and advance a shit * on the board ... = _ =

And that is my assessment so far.

If anyone has any questions that are of general or something before chapter 5 will try to answer (^_^) or
only remark here ~

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

How Bright Is 30 Lumens?

includes a surprise to FFXIV! ✖ ✖

Have you tried it?

Well, having proven or not (I still do not) not know if many have noticed card that came with the game ...
cards are SQUARE ENIX MEMBERS , which is in beta in Europe, the card has a code that will give you free premium content within the upcoming release of the series, FINAL FANTASY XIV, which will be released later this year.

But at the same time, to enter that code, have the chance to be one of the first private beta test Final Fantasy XIII for PS3!

The game is only released for PS3 so I do not think they have bought the 360 \u200b\u200bversion have this card, although I do not know what

XD Apartment Home


I would also like to speak of FINAL FANTASY XIII Playstation Store comes to these items:


  • Eden: Primarch Vigilarium of

Furniture :

  • Armchair (Eden)
  • Mesa (Eden)
  • Comfortable A (Eden)
  • Comfortable B (Eden)
  • group of plants (Eden)
  • Stuffed Animal (Eden)
  • Desktop (Eden)
  • Silla (Eden)
  • figurine Cactuar Cactuar
  • blossom figurine figurine Tomberi
  • Ruby Plush
The store opens Thursday, March 11 .

Source: Official PlayStation Blog

Monday, March 8, 2010

Betsey Johnson Diaperbag


Well the day finally came

~ ~ I do not know if I will or if I can prove it because I'll be busy = _ = I remember

today also goes on sale the guide is worth 20 € (that is, less than a penny xd)

That ... maybe it's because we are in crisis but it costs much more than the previous ...

just before worth € 10 ... And
of Final Fantasy XII worth € 15 and not tell others because they are worth much less ...

The same has 260 paguina for 20 € and the other 320 for 15 € ... eh? What something is not right? Well
Ask them to those who have taken ...

Will A Pinguecula Go Away?

Less than 7 hours!

What you bear it?

I do not know the other Foundation Laid FNAC but I think they are selling now ...
because it is available ... although I do not sores until at least tomorrow because of foul calendar next
¬ ¬
If that and get to try it ... and now tell you what I found ~

See ya!