At last the day arrived, and as promised, after making a detailed list of all participants, I conducted the draw for the bracelet Sortea2 was supernerviosa, to see who would win, so with determination, I gave the button, y. .., this is the result:
Congratulations. Yes, I have touched you, and this is your prize.
I am very grateful to everyone for the great reception given to the draw, the experience has been fantastic, especially for trading, visit your blogs and meet so many people. Many thanks for participating. I feel sorry for everyone else, but not years of little pain, for sure again.
comprobeis For all that there Tongo, the draw was made public, and is stored in the page Sortea2, the draw can consult here.
Please check that you are on the list and you have tb. extra shares that you also apply if you are fans and / or have advertised the lottery. If you receive today a notice of error in the listing, I will REPEAT the draw tomorrow. But I hope everything is fine.
An extremely strong hug to all / as.
Here is the list of participants:
1. Lenges and lás
2. Lenges and the followers 3. Niva
4. Niva
follower 5. Pittussia
Pittussia follower 7. Pittussia blog (
8. Fisiwoman
Fisiwoman follower 10. Pegatiina tag
11. Pegatiina tag
follower 12. Pegatiina Cloud blog (
13. Amy colors
14. Amy colors
follower 15. The colors of Amy blog (
16. Equiponueve
Equiponueve follower 18. Equiponueve blog (
19. Infatuated
Luna 20. Infatuated Moon follower
21. Infatuated Luna blog (
22. Kndla's
Kndla 's follower 24. RO
25. RO
follower 26. RO blog (
27. ag180
28. Carmen Elena Calderón
follower 29. Maria Eugenia
30. Maria Eugenia
follower 31. Maria Eugenia blog (
32. Marisa
33. Marisa
follower 34. Marisa blog (
35. Meme
36. Meme
follower 37. Blog Meme (
38. docepatitas
39. docepatitas follower
40. docepatitas blog (
Mapi 42. Mapi blog (
Viana 44. Aurora
45. The gossip queen
46. The gossip queen
follower 47. The queen gossip blog (
48. The radio star
49. The radio star
follower 50. Wicked
evil follower 52. Wicked blog (
53. Elena
54. Peace
55. Sirocox
56. Sirocox follower
57. Fashionfamous
58. Fashionfamous follower
59. Fashionfamous blog (
60. Lebasi
61. Lebasi follower
62. Lebasi blog (
63. Mireille S.
64. m_eille follower
65. m_eille blog (
66. Carla
67. Enri Navarro
68. Nina
69. Nina follower
70. Veronica and Tamara 71. Tamara Veronica and followers
72. Veronica and Tamara blog (
73. Katerina
74. Katerina
follower 75. Katerina blog ( 76. Teresita B.
77. Teresita
follower 78. Miss Soler
79. Miss Soler
follower 80. Miss Soler blog (
81. By Laura
28centavos 82. By Laura follower 28centavos
83. By Laura 28centavos blog ( 84. Felt Brooches Smile
85. Felt Brooches Smile followers
86. Felt Brooches Smile blog (
87. Bob Doel
88. Bob Doel
follower 89.
Triana 90. Gil Triana follower
91. Paqui
Avefenix follower 93. Maria José
Mar 95. Tari
Gondor 96. Tari Gondor
follower 97. Tari Gondor blog (
98. One more!
U_U 99. One more! U_U
follower 100. One more! U_U blog ( 101. Anabel Domínguez
102. Nena Na
103. Nena Na
follower 104. Nena Na blog (
105. Cris
106. Directory work
follower 107.
Polipulita follower 108. Rossy Molina
follower 109.
lemongrass follower 110. Maria Prieto Wash follower 111.
gels follower 112. Encarna follower
113. Maria 77 fan blog 114. karina room
Detex follower 115. Luna
follower 116.
Paqui follower 117. Noelia Beatriz Gil follower 118. Cristina
follower 119. Stephanie Torreblanca
follower 120. Olalla Insúa
follower 121. Bathsheba
follower 122. Angeles Homes follower 123.
Nazumi_2007 follower 124.
Merchi follower 125. Asun
follower 126. Dancers dolls
4. Niva
follower 5. Pittussia
Pittussia follower 7. Pittussia blog (
8. Fisiwoman
Fisiwoman follower 10. Pegatiina tag
11. Pegatiina tag
follower 12. Pegatiina Cloud blog (
13. Amy colors
14. Amy colors
follower 15. The colors of Amy blog (
16. Equiponueve
Equiponueve follower 18. Equiponueve blog (
19. Infatuated
Luna 20. Infatuated Moon follower
21. Infatuated Luna blog (
22. Kndla's
Kndla 's follower 24. RO
25. RO
follower 26. RO blog (
27. ag180
28. Carmen Elena Calderón
follower 29. Maria Eugenia
30. Maria Eugenia
follower 31. Maria Eugenia blog (
32. Marisa
33. Marisa
follower 34. Marisa blog (
35. Meme
36. Meme
follower 37. Blog Meme (
38. docepatitas
39. docepatitas follower
40. docepatitas blog (
Mapi 42. Mapi blog (
Viana 44. Aurora
45. The gossip queen
46. The gossip queen
follower 47. The queen gossip blog (
48. The radio star
49. The radio star
follower 50. Wicked
evil follower 52. Wicked blog (
53. Elena
54. Peace
55. Sirocox
56. Sirocox follower
57. Fashionfamous
58. Fashionfamous follower
59. Fashionfamous blog (
60. Lebasi
61. Lebasi follower
62. Lebasi blog (
63. Mireille S.
64. m_eille follower
65. m_eille blog (
66. Carla
67. Enri Navarro
68. Nina
69. Nina follower
70. Veronica and Tamara 71. Tamara Veronica and followers
72. Veronica and Tamara blog (
73. Katerina
74. Katerina
follower 75. Katerina blog ( 76. Teresita B.
77. Teresita
follower 78. Miss Soler
79. Miss Soler
follower 80. Miss Soler blog (
81. By Laura
28centavos 82. By Laura follower 28centavos
83. By Laura 28centavos blog ( 84. Felt Brooches Smile
85. Felt Brooches Smile followers
86. Felt Brooches Smile blog (
87. Bob Doel
88. Bob Doel
follower 89.
Triana 90. Gil Triana follower
91. Paqui
Avefenix follower 93. Maria José
Mar 95. Tari
Gondor 96. Tari Gondor
follower 97. Tari Gondor blog (
98. One more!
U_U 99. One more! U_U
follower 100. One more! U_U blog ( 101. Anabel Domínguez
102. Nena Na
103. Nena Na
follower 104. Nena Na blog (
105. Cris
106. Directory work
follower 107.
Polipulita follower 108. Rossy Molina
follower 109.
lemongrass follower 110. Maria Prieto Wash follower 111.
gels follower 112. Encarna follower
113. Maria 77 fan blog 114. karina room
Detex follower 115. Luna
follower 116.
Paqui follower 117. Noelia Beatriz Gil follower 118. Cristina
follower 119. Stephanie Torreblanca
follower 120. Olalla Insúa
follower 121. Bathsheba
follower 122. Angeles Homes follower 123.
Nazumi_2007 follower 124.
Merchi follower 125. Asun
follower 126. Dancers dolls
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