Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Men's Paramore Hoodie

POULAIN. They inherited a passion

What my passion for Crochet, I owe to my grandmother (of course, who does not have a grandmother to crochet) and my mother. Every time I see sitting in the rocking chair crocheting (which has its charms), I remember them always sitting crochet socks or his work, which extended to a ball which ran along the ground at each sitting.

But now, more than ever, we share the ball at three o'clock. I'm making hangers for children and babies, as did my grandmother and how does my mother.

These are what my grandmother, and I've only been able to rescue you see:

These are my mother

These are another model of my mother customized by me and embroidered motifs

And these are mine

due course with the packaging of TIA NUNA

I'm doing many more things, soon I hope to teach. Some are to give to the newcomers, or birthdays, and other gift for Christmas, which is worth considering, because then we check the time on it.

Happy Samhain (Halloween in Galicia) to all, and especially the many children who FEAR will.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

What Size Is A Blue Trojen Condom

Polvorones ginger biscuits, cinnamon and brown sugar and coconut


I make some cookies every weekend for my husband. At work, your projects are challenging and the relationship between partners is complicated. My husband is knackered until Friday. In the first place in the morning to retrieve your mood on the weekends, enjoy your coffee with homemade cookies ... so fresh, so hot! The XL-

chocolate chip cookies and cardamom biscuits chips are the staple at our table. Recently I am wanting something with ginger and cinnamon, perhaps because of the time it becomes colder.

This recipe calls for melted butter, the easiest step that what bat. The texture of the cookies is rustic and very crunchy and the flavor is deepened after days ..


Cookies Recipe Ginger, Cinnamon and Brown Sugar (low sugar)

( for some dozens)
  • g butter (must be with great taste)
  • 110 ml of light corn syrup
  • ginger, fresh, the size of two walnuts, chopped
  • 1 egg, beaten
  • 370 g of flour a pinch of salt
  • 1 / 4 teaspoon baking soda
  • 1 / 4 teaspoon cinnamon powder over
  • : 2 tablespoons brown sugar + 2 tablespoons of regular sugar + 1 / 2 teaspoon of cinnamon powder

    (I will translate the steps a few days later)
  1. Place the butter in a small pot, melt the butter over medium-low heat. Remove the pot from the stove. Stir in corn syrup and ginger.

  2. In a large mixing bowl, combine well the flour, salt, baking soda and cinnamon. Then mix in the egg and the butter mixture until a tender dough is formed. Divide the dough into two, shape them into a log, wrap each log with plastic wrap, place in the freezer for 2 hours (we don't want them too hard).

  3. Pre-heat the oven to 170F

  4. Unwrap the doughs, slice dough about 1/2 cm thick. Gently press the slice into the sugar coating mixture, place the slices (they can be close to each other since they don't expand much) on a large baking pan. Bake the cookies for 7 - 9 minutes or until they just start turning golden brown. Transfer the cookies on a rack to cool off completely.

  5. Please note that the dough itself doesn't have much sugar, the sweet taste is mainly from the sugar coat. If you want sweeter cookies, add extra sugar (e.g. 1/4 cup) into the pot when you cook the butter.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Network 3 Dongle Hacks

Truffles Chocolate Peanut craft


El coco rallado es uno del mas comun ingredientes al postre en Asia, es muy rico y puede guardarse durante un periodo largo. No tendremos ninguna problema para encontrarlo in some stores or supermarkets, even in Barcelona, \u200b\u200bbut advise buying at stores Oriental (if near you) because we charge too little, as less than 2 euros for a big package.

I like the sweet with a touch of salt, I find the salty charm of sweetness inducing monotone. Therefore, the truffles are coated with toasted peanuts (salted bass).
I prescribe to present the 1st International Gourmet.

Organizer is La Cocina Paso a Paso de Apicius ;

and sponsors are: San Ignacio


Traditions Workshop


Cookware Cooking with Plágaro

http:// /

Servisem Food

Cooked Guild Vitoriano

recipe truffles Coco and Peanut

the top (right): find out and crushed peanuts, cream, sugar, cardamom aware, and coconut

Ingredients (p ara 26 truffles):

whole milk 230 ml, 230 ml cream (30% fat), 90 g sugar, 75 g grated coconut , 1 teaspoon salt, a pinch of cardamom powder, a cup of toasted peanuts (salted bass) and finely crushed


Step 1: in a saucepan, provide milk, cream, coconut, sugar and salt.

Step 2: stir well and cook all to a boil.


Step 3: Without stirring, boil very low heat for 60 minutes or until liquid is evaporated. Add cardamom.

Step 4: Place the mix a source uncovered and stored in a refrigerator for 10 hours.


Step 5: Join truffles. Transfer to a crushed peanut. Refrigerate and serve them out again.


Tuesday, October 12, 2010

What Happend To Fakku? 2010

Pony made DIY .. WIN A PRIZE

A follower, Niva, have been encouraged to make the horse , and sent me these pictures.
Here you have it, is called Cookie.

Niva has endorsed. The type of sock that you use and will give lots of character. As he had felt used the elastic sock for the ears and the tip of the sock was a different color, and it marked the nose, so he has sunk two holes with a few stitches, and go. The eyes and mouth are embroidered with black wool and hair color wool waste. If you look at the stick, is also lined with the same wool.

A Chulada right?. It's just a matter of imagination and aim throw it with what needs to be at home. The owner of the horse is not what gets out, as you can see in the picture.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Pkemon Platinum Online

There are many chocolates and chocolate in Barcelona. The grades are high while some prices are not killing. I just got the gifts - roasted coffee beans with black chocolate, and "cups" white chocolates.

would describe more to the "cup." Its exterior is white chocolate mocha cream filled in with the "foam" the cream of hazelnut. Cremoa texture can be fused to my little, perfectly accompanied with sponge cake. Solemente extend a little cream, then placed the "cup" on top. Here, petit four:)


The "cups" chocolates available in Chocolate Show. The beans are from Italy.

Can You Eat Unopened Mussels?

Hi all, today we are very happy home, we have had the third prize in a contest organized by Playmobil this summer.

I tell you: the reason the competition was taking a picture of a few clicks, you take them (the qe you wanted) on vacation and they were making a picture so easily. And me as I thought that we would go to Pyrenees and we intend to see the final stage of the Tour on the Tourmalet, which could bring the entire team of cyclists on the road, including the broom wagon, bikes, billboards protection, the public and even those who are on the rise recorded bike, a little thing, heh, heh. All with the idea that at some point we could take a picture.

My son was very excited about the idea, and I always remembered that even we had to take the picture. In the stage of the Tour could not be, due to bad weather, so we expect a better time. The moment came, but the picture finally did it in the English part of the Pyrenees, near Aneto in the top of the Benasque Valley, a day that his father had gone to make a path and we (the children and I) were somewhat idle. I saw a hill and I told my son that could do the photo above, so while taking a few small nuts rested, Yago ordered the scene with all the characters and accessories, it was fun, then fell steadily in the wind I did and the poor had to place every time we made a picture. Finally chose this:

do you think? And this is the prize that is carried by a photo Yago:

to the boat's motor and can get in the water .... Woow (I said).

A bico everyone.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Discolouration Of Dogs Fur



So sweet, so sauve, is the jewel of the fall!

I love persimmon, do you?

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Fondant Weddinh Tulips

Khaki soy milk with green tea


My favorite tofu shop in Barcelona - Catalan Tofu sells this drink / dessert. It seems very unique, especially, is very delicious. Organic soybeans are produced.
! Nice weekend!