a fan of the joke. 3 rd Prize
Well yesterday I received an email from a fan, and think server for things how are you worth pursuing here, but every once in a while 5 people do not think the same as a full auditorium. Copy as sent to me.
Greetings to the carnival, readers and other characters who visit this humble blog. Today not write Sergio makes it a novice at this carnival. I have been living carnival
from within just two years ago, so understand that I am not one to criticize, judge or just praise. But what surprised me this joke, their lyrics, his wit, his seriousness so funny and above all its good cheer.
A group that has left its mark on me by their depth in the lyrics and the way we can get a laugh from deep.
I'm not here to discuss gondoliers or jeans, but about a comedy that sparked the carnival in many a heart sitting in the stalls. These
faces full of nerves, excitement and uncertainty conquered me, but even more it did when reading the verdict was known the outcome. This year seemed so, I finally have the prize they deserved, but again faded into a 3 rd prize.
I can not forget for a moment as I invaded the disappointment and I admit, server odd tear shed, but then I saw you, the artists you came up and did you know you do good this recognition. As a rookie I
opinion is rather pitiful, but at heart, let me say that this joke has conquered me and thanks to them I became a fervent supporter of the carnival, despite its no trouble with tickets, and other injustices, it is here I will go on where actuéis because with people like you continue to become beautiful holiday.
is now when you start your carnival in the street, where people expect a lot from you, not disappoint.
Without further to say thanks for February one of my favorite months, I hope to go forward, which in 2012 who knows ...
to enjoy the carnival, this is just beginning ...
The email is "Alex MF", a hug from here, we're glad to know that there are people who follow this joke! Well
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