Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Rapadura Sugar Substitute


apologize I hope you know these days of silence. I've been sick, like half the inhabitants of this country.

My idea was to return to absurd concept, but I have several days discussing with people on the controversial " Sinde law" and its environs. I had to pronounce the same arguments many times in so little time that I decided to write here.

lazy I usually take a view on these things on the blog, but for some strange reason this matter Specifically motivates me.

I think that I will not say anything new on the subject, but I like to speak with my words as I told these days to a few colleagues (it sounds that the "colleagues", eh? )

First, I want to clarify that I will not speak of the "Law Sinde" as such. I have read, so any opinion on my opinion it would be an illegal immigrant. My intention is to discuss the inevitable problems that motivated the law.

Second, I highlight a few things about me, about what to wield fairly neutral reasons for considering:

SGAE I am a member of more than a year, but still have not received a single euro of them (despite having spent over two years working on a program that generates royalties). On the other hand, I am "author" two films that have been distributed in Spain (and in one case even say "author" twice) However, I have not received a cent for any of them. And even give me my share percentage for each copy - or input - sold, I assure you that my piece of the pie is so tiny that I did not solve the life even for a couple of days.

One of these two movies is very easy to find on the Internet and, according to figures I have seen, has been downloaded "illegally" for some people. I'm pleased with that. You can not imagine how grateful I am to all those people who have downloaded our movie through some of those pages that they now want to close.

And despite all this, I think YES we should pay for movies, books, etc ... we consume.

On a purely selfish. We all like to make good movies. We all like to tell us good stories. And to make these stories have to buy the time and dedication of people dedicated to them (directors, writers, makeup artists, props, caterers, etc.) These people need - like all my neighbors - to make ends meet, and if the "top" decide it is not profitable to pay for storytelling, will have to come later this month working on other things.

What, in my opinion, the error being committed by the State on this issue?

into a moral debate!

I propose that we forget if you download movies is right or wrong. This moralizing going to hinder any kind of understanding. Furthermore: If you forbid something, "the people" saying it's bad, people will react to the contras. We are human! Worse still: We are English! I once read a saying that said: "If the water was prohibited, everyone would drink it."

Here is the error, in my opinion!

are demonizing the matter. They are accusing and threatening people. They try to excuse that you are only against profits from piracy. But I disagree! The mantra floating in the atmosphere is that everyone who download movies from home is a thief. Remember those ads that made us swallow every time I saw a DVD purchase: "You would not steal a car! Would not steal in the supermarket! Hacking is a crime! Law now goes for you!"
! Let's stop scaring

and argue that the ordinary people and adopt a more pragmatic, even business. Conceive

citizens almost as clients. As people who have to seduce. Let


We are in a country where, if we get people to adopt certain behaviors, we first have to change their mentality and their (perhaps justifiable) preconceptions.

Whenever I talk about this give the example of taxes. In Spain people are more given to evade their tax obligations in countries like Germany or Denmark. And I assure you that in Denmark the percentage be paid to the Treasury is much higher than we pay in our country. Why are the "true European" pay those taxes without complaint? Well probably because they make sure that these taxes will directly affect their welfare. Because they know that money out of their pockets are going to enjoy as parks, roads, scholarships, health, etc, etc, etc, etc, etceterísima.

What about Spain? Well, people believe that much of the money that the Treasury "rob" will not affect the benefit of citizenship, but will go straight into the pockets of three or four smart-ass of the "highest levels". Unfortunately, we do not have too many arguments to refute that belief. It is therefore logical that in the English mentality can even applaud the fact that someone spare the odd euro to the Treasury. There are so far from Spain in the Lazarillo de Tormes.

And in the English audiovisual something similar happens!

People have the feeling that those who are dedicated to this are the "subsidies." They think that if pirating a movie or series are not hurting anyone. People who make movies is spent taxpayers' money on champagne and cocaine orgies! And I fucked

the matter is that today we can not deny it with their heads held high.

Oh yes, that 90% of the "puppet masters" it costs us to make ends meet and we must work to bind a crappy job to the next. But make no mistake: We all know first hand more than a story about movies already written off a priori born thanks to grants and broadcast rights for television. We've all heard of this or that case in which a high percentage of a given subsidy "pied in the way" for profit to those who need it least.

And while this is so, the "Internet" can leave us flushed with the mouth closed with his arguments, much as most of us engaged the audiovisual suffer such injustices as much as they (or even more than them)!

have to clean up the way to make movies in Spain. If we want the public to pay for our content we must lead by example and make him see that there is indeed a direct relationship between how they invest their money in buying or renting our work and how because of that are effectively supporting the type of films they like, and contributing to the development of the English audiovisual industry (if the day comes that we consider industry)

Who knows? Maybe to get to that has to stop subsidies "a priori" the ministry, as suggested my friend, partner and producer Alberto López Garrido .

Also, I think to really convince our audience we have to make another parallel reform:


I have no right to require people to purchase online works as a legal way much easier to get that content illegally . For hours

same things are well.

If you want to download "Avatar" for free, just give a button. If you want to get it legally, probably have to fill out a form, give a credit card number, then get into your email to click on a link I do not know why, or download a "license" do not know how ...

Each of these steps is a spit in the face of your potential buyer, an opportunity to consider it and send you to hell and end by going to the place that offer the same content for free ( and with the same quality or better, if you know to look life)

I put an example: Our film was, among other things, the first in Spain to be opened in legal downloads. Many people tried to download it legally for a project so small. But many gave up after several attempts. The managed web legal downloads put things very difficult. Had to fill many bullshit, calling card numbers (some of us wrote saying they could not buy online because they were underage and had no credit card), then take ages to download, and they could not remove the hard disk ( you could only see the movie on your computer) and if you were using a Mac, it turns out that you paid in vain, because the legal file did not work on Mac

guess that many of these limitations have been fixing the over time but tell me, is still much more laborious and convoluted legal route that illegal.

I myself not long ago, would like to download a novel for my e-book. I was interested in paying for it. He was a contemporary English author who wanted to support me. I assure you that I traveled all over the internet and not found a way to get that book legally.

"What the hell happens to us!?

We specialize in corporate work. Sell \u200b\u200bcontent. Any other company in any other sector strives to deliver the product to your customer. Seduce. Provide access. If Cola Cao wants people to buy Cola Cao, put their jars yellow visible on the supermarket shelf. What will Cola Cao is not asking people that instead of getting the Cola Cao free in the parish of the corner, climb a mountain on all fours, wait six hours and pay a fortune to the happy polvitos cocoa. What does Cola Cao is calling you a thief in the face if these efforts do not inadmissible to buy your product.

Take the example of the bar:

Imagine that you are in your home with some friends. You have beer in the fridge, but nevertheless decide to go out for some beers in a bar. Because the bar brings you a series of satisfaction that you pay a little more than make up for that beer: Move to fresh air, see other people, the environment, local decor, friendly waiter, how good is the Maid ... Then you come to the bar in question and it did not even have worked to make a nice decoration. To make matters worse, it takes ten minutes to serve you, and the waiter who serves you is an edge that treats you as if you had to thank you for coming to your site, and serves up the reeds you bad throws, and the cap puts you is not no big deal, and last but not least, I charged the canes to the extortionate price. Damn! It makes sense that you and your friends arrive to the conclusion that such treatment, the better you stay at home and you you take the beers in the fridge, which I have come a lot cheaper (which cost you your internet connection the canon of your hard drive, etc)

I think the public, when you make it easy, do not mind paying so much to consume. The people are much given to compulsive buying. Think teens spent three euros on ringtone download a mobile, or send an sms to "save me" (why? Because it is almost as easy as pushing a button. Do not have much time to think) Think about that group of friends who orders another round of reeds, and on and on without worrying about how much they are costing these beers (why? Because the waiter serves them right away, without giving them time to think twice, without breaking the magic of time. Surely if the waiter takes a quarter of an hour to serve you and to ask them to fill out a form to order the reeds and make them go to a window at the bottom of the bar to pick them up, would be far fewer would ask for another round) Think of the people who pay a bonus of I do not know how many euros for 25% more than Coca Cola in McDonald or theft insurance on the train ticket. It become so easy that many times they pay without stopping to think about whether they need it or not.

If people pay for things so easily that sometimes could even be considered a scam, why can not we educate them to pay for things that really worthwhile?

I do not know what is the best formula for return of cultural works in this era of internet and home cinema. "Prompt and effective legal download a spotify of audiovisual advertising, a canon VOLUNTEER?

Maybe all at once.

only thing I think to be clear is this: What if we require our clients to pay for our products, we have to a) lead by example and b) facilitate access.


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