absurd concept today:
As you know, what we call the Internet is a lot of" servers "networked to share information and get it to our computers .
Sometimes we forget that all this data on-line are not floating in a cyberspace virtual and intangible. All this information is stored in huge hard drives that are physically, or stash in real buildings.
Now imagine a future close to those like me so much: The amount of information stored on servers that need is becoming increasing. And start to dry up at an alarming raw materials required to build the servers (plastic, silicon, I do not know) or become scarce square meters of space to pile up these gigantic hard drives. But
internet needs to grow! Too much information begging to be shared online!
What to do?
The human brain is the most complex computer known to date. Neurons function similarly to artificial computers, communicating via sodium and potassium ions. Positive charges and negative charges. Binary code. Zeros and ones.
brain is also a Man is a hard drive with huge capacity. Some estimate that could house more than a million gigabytes.
"Servers" human. That is the question.
begin to use people in a coma as hard disks.
say they only use 10% of our brain, right? Why not take the other 90%? Especially in comatose individuals. Did you go to complain? Imagine that you
conectáis this blog, or any other web page, or most of facebook ... and all the information that comes to your screen from a human being. A hard disk of flesh and bone is actually half dead. Did not I produced a thrill?
What happen to all that information if the individual dies in a coma? What happen to all that data if the coma is awake?
But there's more:
what if those brain regions that we are invading to "hang" videos, images, programming codes ... regions are needed to cook dreams, Freudian symbols? Will it change the personality or the perception of that individual's world as he use to store violent video games, porn, pictures of travel, accounting data?
What if it turns out that all that 90% of brain not used as a server we are using is home to the collective unconscious of Jung? What if, somehow, that it was a server before we "formateáramos? What if there were "uploaded" to a network even more crucial that the internet some of the archetypes that all humans need to "put together" to perceive the world and its laws uniformly sacred? What if when you remove and put other information are altering these archetypes of the collective unconscious and, therefore, introducing drastic changes in the way of perceiving the world of all mankind? What if, in consequence - and in more pragmatic terms - we are altering the Universe as such?
other hand, there are those who say that people in coma are on the threshold of death, with one foot in our world and the other lodged in the afterlife. Psychopomps. When we connect to those servers human beings we connect some of which are ghosts. What if, through the spooky internet reach our terminal displays information that we have not entered the human beings? What if, suddenly, you can access encrypted information that is not from our world of the living, but the kingdom of the dead?
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