Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Problems With My Haier Wine Chiller

Tomorrow I will have to leave home by the morning, so here you have the absurd notion today, before dawn. Try

Transcendental Meditation: What you are Buddhists, Taoists, and anything else that ends in "ist", including dentists, florists y. .. the writers.

People who practice transcendental meditation aims to achieve the state of Buddha. Achieve absolute harmony with the Cosmos. Become "enlightened." In rock whose "I" which is diluted ice cube on the whole. People who suddenly becomes the best example of unconditional love, detachment lighter, more overwhelming impersonality. That's what

reach the fucking Nirvana. Become a channel, a hollow highway, a transistor that transmits the babble of God without question.

The concept that I propose today came to my mind a few years ago and has since become a recurring visitor:

A Tibetan monks competition to see which one reached earlier this nirvana, this state of grace .

Imaginároslos all sitting in a circle, in the lotus position, his fingers entwined in a mudra impossible, with their orange robes to the hilt.

And a monk who gives the kick-off with a "OOOOOMMMMMM." And the opponents

eyes closed, and efforts become enlightened before the others, they very competitive, tensing the muscles of the neck, sweating in the head, forcing the machinery and training Stallone in Rocky IV, his head a thousand times per second, "Come on, pussy, Lighten the fuck up, you're the best, you're the fucking master, destroys those fags! The fucking nirvana is yours! " "I will reach nirvana before you, you fucking bastard!" "I'm the best! I'm the fucking best! I'm going to become a Buddha of the host and I'm going to piss in your fucking face!" Pure

inconsistency. Reach the absolute humility, the absence of EGO purest through of the most insane pride.

poetry that what drives you to achieve holiness is the impure desire to win, to win glory and gloat in the fucking face of the other monks who compete with you in that race to putísima purity.
And that, by definition, the gloating is impossible. Because if we truly reach enlightenment through this gymcana transcendental meditation, you become a pure being, a spokesman for God outside the concepts of "winning" and "lose."

Your struggle is futile, the son of a bitch. Because if you can not win this race, you can not scrub it in anyone's face. And if you succeed, do not gloat apetecerá. The competition will have been meaningless. Because you're a fucking budha unable to rejoice in any success.

It's like that famous dilemma of Claudia Schiffer telling: "You can sleep with me, but then you can not tell anyone."


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